Ashu Sharma
Associate Professor
Academic Qualification: Ph.D., MBA, M.Sc.(Maths), UGC-NET, FDP-IIMA, HBS.
Email: ashu.sharma@sbm.nmims.edu
Dr. Ashu Sharma has twenty-five years of work experience with industry and academia. She has joined SBM NMIMS in August 2014 and is presently working as Professor in the area of Operations and Data Sciences. She was conferred the Best Faculty Award for the academic year 2019-20 by School of Business Management, NMIMS University, Mumbai and also awarded with the Prof. Indira Parikh Women in Education Leaders by World Education Congress in 2023. She has also received the 30th Business School Affaire & Dewang Mehta National Education Leadership Award in ‘Most Influential Professor’ category in 2023.
Dr Sharma has an expertise in teaching courses like Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Optimization Modelling for Business Decisions, Industry 4.0 and Quality Management. Other than being a postgraduate in Mathematics and Management she is also a PhD in the area of Operations. She has qualified her UGC-NET exam in 2003 and has also completed faculty development program from IIM Ahmedabad and Harvard Business School, Boston, USA.
Along with her academics Dr Sharma has also handled many administrative portfolio like Area Chairperson for Operations and Data Science Area and also Programme Chairperson for Executive MBA at SBM, NMIMS, Mumbai. Dr Sharma is also an active researcher and is a supervisor for Ph.D. scholars, has presented papers in the National and International conferences organized by reputed institutions, edited books and also published number of articles in double blind peer reviewed scopus journals. She has conducted Management Development Programmes on Supply Chain Management for Competitive Advantage, Problem Solving, Total Quality Management, Decision Making and Group Dynamics and Strengthening Operational Excellence for Executives and Senior Managers of leading corporates. She has trained more than 2000 employees from various organizations till now. Dr Sharma has been invited as Resource Person to conduct FDP organized by reputed institutions like ORSI, etc. She is a Life Member of ORSI, ISTD and IIM Ahmedabad Alumni Association. She is the Ex. Hony. Secretary of ISTD, Jaipur Chapter. Dr Sharma has also co-edited book published by Springer on “Digital Economy”, JKLU Monograph Series on “Case Method in Management - An Indian Outlook” and “Cases in Management- Experiences in India”. Her book titled “Quantitative Techniques for Management” is also one of her academic contributions.
- Citations-253
- h-index-6
- i10-index-5
- No. of citations – (Scopus, Google Scholar and Research Gate)
- ORCID number- https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4317-7503.
- Currently advising four PhD scholars (Thesis Advisory Committee)
- Successfully guided 7 scholars for PhD degree award
Number of Citations Google Scholar
Expertise and Research Interest
Thesis Advisor for SBM PhD scholar and Oher Universities.
Research Interest-Service Operations, Supply Chain, Logistics, Operations, Industry 4.0, Quality, Optimization Techniques
Name of Area- Operations and Data Sciences.
- Operations Management
- Quality Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Industry4.0 for Resilient Operations
- Modelling and Optimization for Business Decisions
- PhD Seminar Course-Operations Management and Theories in Operations
Journal Publication
- Mahak Sharma, Rose Antony, Ashu Sharma & Tugrul Daim (2024). “Can smart supply chain bring agility and resilience for enhanced sustainable business performance?”, International Journal of Logistics Management, ABDC A- category (5yr IF: 7.40) and Scopus (CS: 8.5) indexed journal published by Emerald Insight. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJLM-09-2023-0381/full/pdf
- Praful More, Ashu Sharma & Christine D'Lima (2024). Integrated Conceptual Framework For E-Commerce Adoption by Small And Medium Enterprises- A Systematic Review, Journal of Services Research (C- Category, ABDC). https://www.vedatya.ac.in/?s=Integrated+Conceptual+Framework+For+E-Commerce+Adoption+by+Small+And+Medium+Enterprises-+A+Systematic+Review
- Co- Editor for Edited book on Transcending supply chains in circular economy: A Multi- Disciplinary Approach published by Imperial Publications, Editorial Team-Dr. Rose Antony, Dr. Ashu Sharma.
- Veena Vohra, Ashu Sharma, Deepak Yaduvanshi, Manipal Hospital, Jaipur: Building Resilience amid Healthcare Crisis, Case study published with Emerald Emerging markets case study journal, Volume 13, No.2, July 2023, doi.org/10.1108/EEMCS-03-2023-007.
- Co- Editor for Springer proceedings in Business and Economics of 8th Conference of Indian Academy of Management (INDAM 2023), Book Chapter Scopus Indexed to be published by Springer nature 2023, Editorial Team- Dr Prashant Mishra (Chief Editor), Dr Ashu Sharma, Dr Sayantan Khanra, Dr Sumit Kundu and Dr Sushanta Mishra.
- Harish Singla, Abhishek Shrivas, Ashu Sharma (2020) “Identification of Knowledge Assets in Construction Projects and their Impact on Project Performance" in Journal of Intellectual Capital, Emerald publication journal, Scopus indexed (8.6), Impact Factor 5.33, h-index 73, Overall Rank 2925, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 1.294 and rated "B Category" as per ABDC ranking, December 2020. Emerald Early Cite link https://www.emerald.com/insight/search?q=Ashu+Sharma&showAll=true
- Praful More, Ashu Sharma, Christine D’lima, Meta Analysis on Factors Influencing Mobile Payment Continuance Intention Among Consumers, published in Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, (B- Category, ABDC), January’2023, www.abacademies.org/journals/academy-of-marketing-studies-journal-home.html
- Ashu Sharma, Preeti Khanna “Relevance of Adopting Emerging Technologies in Outbound Supply Chain: New Paradigm for Cement Industry” Operations and Supply chain management: An International Journal, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2020, pp. 210 - 221 ISSN 1979-3561 | EISSN 2759-9363, ABDC List (C Category) and Scopus.
- Brinda Sampat, Bala Prabhakar, Nilay Yajnik and Ashu Sharma (2020) "Adoption of mobile Fitness and Dietary apps in India: An Empirical Study" International Journal of Business Information Systems, Inderscience, Published in Scopus and ABDC List (C Category), Journal Submission code: IJBIS-14022, ISSN No. 1746-0972, Vol. 35, No. 4, December, 2020. Link to the article : http://www.inderscience.com/offer.php?id=111641
- Sandeep Kumar Joshi and Ashu Sharma " Smart airline solutions are the next game changer for airline industry" JOHAR – Journal of Hospitality Application & Research, 15 (1) Volume 15 Issue 1 January 2020, 37-56, ABDC List (C Category).
- Deepak Yaduvanshi, Ashu Sharma, Praful Vijay More ""Application of queuing theory to optimize waiting-time in hospital operations" " Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Accepted for publication- ABDC List (C Category), Scopus, ISSN No. 1979-3561,2019.
- Deepak Yaduvanshi, Ashu Sharma “Lean Six Sigma in Health Operations” published in refereed publication Journal of Health Management, SAGE Publishing. Volume 19, Number 2 April-June’2017, Ranking: 2014 SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) Score: 0.192 | 151/215 Health Policy (SCOPUS), eISSN: 09730729 | ISSN: 09720634, OCLC: 60626811, ResearchGate RG Journal Impact: 0.38.
- Tohid Kachwala, Ashu Sharma, Shailaja Rego “Total Quality Management in Tourism Industry” published by Smart Journal of Business Management Studies, July – December 2017, Volume 13 & Number 2, ISSN 0973-1598 (Print), ISSN 2321-2012 (Online), Global Impact Factor 0.656 (2012) Scientific Journal Impact Factor 3.745 (2012) Universal Impact Factor 0.9594 (2013), A professional, Refereed, International & Indexed Journal, Web of Science, ABDC List (C Category).
- Deepak Yaduvanshi, Ashu Sharma (2016) “Coherence of Lean and Six Sigma (LSS) in Health Care Industry” published by International Standards Publication (ISP), Approved by National Institute of Science Communication And Information Resources (NISCAIR), International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation, International Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal, February’16, Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 56-61, ISSN 2321-2705 Scientific Journal Impact Factor 2.08 (Online).
- Ashu Sharma, Salim Khan "A survey on Third Party Logistics in organized Indian Retail Sector" Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, UGC Approved Journal, Publisher: IJPUBLICATION, Journal Submission code: JETIR1811571, November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 11, ISSN No. 2349-5162.
- Ruchir Sharma, Ashu Sharma (2014) “Employee Engagement: An Indian Perspective for Flexi Festival Holidays as a Tool to Enhance Productivity” published by American Research Institute for Policy Development, An international scholarly, Journal of Human Resources Management and Labor Studies, June 2014, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 171-185, ISSN: 2333-6404 (Online).
- Salim Khan, Ashu Sharma " A Survey on Non Users of Logistics Outsourcing in Organized Indian Retail Sector " International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, UGC Approved Journal, Publisher: Atman Publishing Academy, Journal Submission code: IJRAR19H1026, March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1, ISSN No. E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138.
- Ashu Sharma, Sandeep Kumar Joshi (2014) “Performance Management System of Indian Airline Industry: An Exploratory Analysis” published by Intercontinental Journal of Human Resource Research Review, December 2014, Vol. 2, Issue 12, pp. 10-17, ISSN: 2320-9704 (Online), Impact Factor: 0.875. Indexing: Ulrichs Periodicals Directory, USA, ProQuest, U.S.A , Google Scholar, Electronic Journal Library, University Library of Regensburg, Germany.
- Ashu Sharma, Ruchir Sharma (2012) “Power and Politics in Channel Sales: A study on Cement Trade” published in Indian Journal of Training and Development, A Journal of ISTD, Volume 43 No.3, July- September,2012, pp. 62-70.
- Ashu Sharma (2009) “Implementing Balance Scorecard for performance measurement”, ICFAI Journal of Business Strategy, March 2009, Page 7-16. Also paper is listed in ProQuest Full Text.
- Ashu Sharma (2010) “SERVQUAL: An empirical model for the manufacturing sector”, Journal of Pacific Institute of Management (Pacific Business Review), March 2010, Page 76-80.
- Nityesh Bhatt, Ashu Sharma, R Sujata (2006) Supply Chain Management: A Great Borrowing Discipline, Supply Chain Management: Reference Book, June 2006, ICFAI University, Page7-19.
- Dinesh Panchal, Bala Krishnamoorthy, Vivekanand Khanapuri, Ashu Sharma “Formulation of Proxy Measures for Business Model Dimensions – Improving Competitiveness by Measuring Business Model” published in International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42943-022-00051-1, ABDC List (C Category),2022.
- Harshit Sharma, Ashu Sharma, Dhruv Chouhan " Biometric Face Recognition: Application of Neural Networks and Fuzzy Control in Hospitality industry" JOHAR – Journal of Hospitality Application & Research, Volume 16 Issue 2, July 2021, 1-16, Scopus Indexed, ABDC List (C Category).
Article in Business Magazine
- Upinder Dhar, Ashwini Sharma, Ashu Sharma (2013) “ Managing Technology” Business Manager, Volume 15 No.12 June, 2013, pp. 15-16.
- Sandeep Kumar Joshi and Ashu Sharma (2020) “Role of HR in Redefining Work and People Strategies” Business Manager, June, 2020, www.businessmanager.in/role-of-hr-in-redefining-work-and-people-strategies.php.
- Sandeep Kumar Joshi and Ashu Sharma (2020) “Techno- Human era of industry 4.0” Business Manager, January, 2020, p.14.
- Brinda Sampat, Ashu Sharma, (2016) Article as a Tech Talk on “Revolution in Digital Healthcare” In Express Healthcare- A Financial Express Publication, Volume 10 No.8, August, 2016, pp. 30-31.
- Preeti Khanna, Ashu Sharma, (2016) Article as a Tech Talk on “Integrating IoT in Supply Chain: Handling Perceptions of People” In Supply Chain Management Professional, SCM Pro, Magzter Newsstand Publishers, New York, Volume 2 No.6, November, 2016, pp. 34-36.
Cases in Book
- Ashu Sharma, Ritu Sinha, Ajay Chandel “Weaving Relationships”, Case Registered (August,2015) with the European Case Clearing House (ECCH). Cranfield University, United Kingdom, Reference no. 615-056-1.
- Ashu Sharma, Ashvin Dave, Shivani Kapoor, Awadhesh Kumar Tiwari, Abhishek Harit “The Project Jal Dhara”, Case Method in Management - An Indian Outlook , JK Lakshmipat University Monograph series (01/2011), December 2011, Page 143 -150.
Also Registered (July,2012) with the European Case Clearing House (ECCH). Cranfield University, United Kingdom, Reference no. 612-018-1.
- Sharma, Ashu; Shalini Khandelwal; Ajay Kr Pandey and Abhishek Shekhawat (2015). Dainik Navjyoti: The Spark Continues. In Upinder Dhar and Santosh Dhar (Eds.) Case Method: Learning from Experiences, New Delhi: Excel Books, pp.126-133. ISBN 978-93-5062-616-0.
- Sharma, Ashu; A. Sivakumar; Jagdish Bhagwat; Pooja Gupta; Pranav Saraswat and Sandeep Kumar Joshi (2015). Shree Cement – Ways to Wealth. In Dhar.U and Dhar.S (Eds.) Case Method: Learning from Experiences, New Delhi: Excel Books, pp.56-63. ISBN 978-93-5062-616-0.
- Also Registered (December, 2014) with the “The Case Centre” - European Case Clearing House (ECCH), Reference no. 614-063-1.
- Sharma, Ashu; Ritesh Saxena; TP Sarvanan and Happy Paul (2015). Data Infosys Limited. In Upinder Dhar and Santosh Dhar (Eds.) Case Method: Learning from Experiences, New Delhi: Excel Books, pp.134-140. ISBN 978-93-5062-616-0.
Conferences and Workshops
(last five/six years)
- Dinesh Panchal (Nirma University), Ashu Sharma (SBM, NMIMS), Developing an Industry 4.0 framework as the foundation: Charting the path to Industry 5.0, paper presented at 14th International Conference on Excellence in Research and Education (CERE 2024) at IIM Indore, Conference Theme: Industry 5.0 – Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)-based Management, May 31 – June 2, 2024.
- Dinesh Panchal (Nirma University), Ashu Sharma (SBM, NMIMS) and Manoj Belgaonkar (Siemens Ltd. - Presenter), ‘Industry 4.0 for Service’ paper presented and published in conference proceedings of the 26th National Conference on e-Governance (NCeG) jointly organized by the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances (DARPG) and the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY) in association with the Government of Madhya Pradesh, 24th - 25th August’2023, The Brilliant Convention Centre, Indore, Madhya Pradesh. The theme of the conference is “Viksit Bharat- Empowering Citizens”.
- Arti Deo (Paper presenter), Manjari Srivastava, Ashu Sharma, PolyChem: Reimagining the Future of an SME, case presented at SVKM’S NMIMS CASE STUDY CONFERENCE The conference theme is “Navigating Through TUNA (Turbulent - Uncertain-Novel -Ambiguous): Implications for Business and Society”, 1st - 2nd March 2024 (online).
- Ritu Chakraborty (Paper presenter), Ashu Sharma, Rose Antony, Investigating the Effect of Online Purchase Determinants of Customer Satisfaction in Processed Food, paper presented at the 8th Biennial Supply Chain Management International Conference on Innovative Strategies for Sustainable and Digital Supply Chains organized by Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIMB), January 5-6, 2024.
- Ashu Sharma (Paper presenter), Praful More, Transportation Problem Optimization In The Cement Industry: An Indian Perspective, paper presented at the 9th INDAM National Conference on Creating Impact through Responsible Leadership & Sustainable Business Practices organized by INDAM and Goa Institute of Management during January 11-13, 2024.
- “Understanding Factors Influencing the Usage Intention of Mobile Pregnancy Applications” conference proceedings of the IFIP Conference held virtually at IIM Tiruchirappalli from 17-19th December 2020.
Brinda Sampat, Ashu Sharma, and Bala Prabhakar paper also published in Scopus Indexed Book, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2020, Published by Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, S. K. Sharma et al. (Eds.): TDIT 2020, IFIP AICT 617, pp. 641–654, 2020, DOI of the article : - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-64849-7_57. - Deepak Yaduvanshi, Ashu Sharma “An Application of Queuing Theory to Analyse Non-Clinical process in Hospital Operations” paper presented at the 4th IIMA International Conference on Advanced Data Analysis, Business Analytics and Intelligence held at IIM Ahmedabad, 11-12 April’ 2015.
- P N Mukherjee, Ashu Sharma, Mukund Madhav Tripathi "Measuring the effectiveness of Disruptive technologies over supply chain management of Indian business firms” paper presented at the 22nd International conference of the Society of Operations Management on Operations management at crossroads held at IIM Kozhikode, December 20-22, 2018.
- Deepak Yaduvanshi , Ashu Sharma, Praful More “Application of Time-Flow study to enhance efficiency and reduce patient waiting time in hospital operations” paper presented at the 51st Annual convention of ORSI and International Conference on Emerging Trends in Operations Research and Management Science, held at IIT Mumbai 16-19 December’2018.
- Salim Khan, Ashu Sharma“The use of logistics outsourcing by organized Indian Retail companies” paper presented at the 12th Annual ISDSI conference on Data driven decision making in the digital age, held at S P Jain, Mumbai, 27-30 December’ 2018.
- Deepak Yaduvanshi , Ashu Sharma , Deepak Gupta “Lean Thinking: An Empirical Study for performance evaluation in hospital operations” paper presented at the 12th Annual ISDSI conference on Data driven decision making in the digital age, held at S P Jain, Mumbai, 27-30 December’ 2018.
- Ashu Sharma, Apoorva Panagaria “Application of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) for TVS: An Analytical Study” presented paper at the IMRA-IIMB International Conference held at IIM Bangalore, 16-19 December’ 2015.
- “Integrating SCM with Internet of Things: Implication on HR Management” presented paper at the 2nd international Conference on Internet of Things, Data and Cloud Computing (ICC’17) at Churchill College, University of Cambridge, UK, 22-23 March’2017.
- Preeti Khanna, Ashu Sharma paper Published in February’18 by ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Digital Library, ISBN 978-1-4503-4774-7/17/03, A professional, Refereed, International & Indexed Journal, ABDC 2013 Quality Journal List. ACM Journals are in Category A and A* in ABDC List.
- “Evaluating quality service and customer satisfaction at Make my trip – A gap analysis” presented paper at the International Research Conference 2016 on Revitalizing Economies Pioneering Innovation held at Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai, March 2-3, 2016.
- Ashu Sharma, Apoorva Panagaria paper also published in JBIMS, Journal ‘JBIMS Spectrum’ published by Mumbai University Press, Volume IV, No.1. January-June, 2016, pp.60-70, ISSN: 2320-7272
- Deepak Yaduvanshi, Ashu Sharma, Praful Vijay More “Application of queuing theory to optimize waiting-time in hospital operations” paper presented at the Research Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management held at Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management, Nashik, 17 February’ 2018.
- The paper is also published in book Titled Supply Chain Strategies in Dynamic Environment by Excel India Publishers, New Delhi.
- Kali Charan Sabat, Bala Krishnamoorthy, Ashu Sharma “Trade Related Environmental Conflicts” paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Environmental Management held at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, 27-30 November’ 2017.
- Suyash Sharma, Mansha Kalra, Ashu Sharma "Amazon Customer Service: Sentiment Analysis" presentation at the 2nd International Business Analytics Conference, April 2022 organized by K J Somaiya Institute of Management, 9th April’2022.
- Session Chair- “Analytical Approaches” invited as session chair at the 2nd International Business Analytics Conference held at K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management, Mumbai, 9th April’ 2022.
- “Development of Integrated Conceptual Model Using DOI-TAM-TOE Factors Affecting Adoption of Electronic Commerce in Small and Medium Enterprises” paper presented at the SPJIMR POMS India International conference on Building Resilience in Supply Chain and Communities organized by SPJIMR, Mumbai, December 22-24, 2021.
- Attended GloColl Faculty Development Programme at Harvard Business School, Boston, USA, July’2019.
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on Case Writing organized by Harvard Business School, February’2020.
- Attended 2 days Faculty Development Programme on “Case Method Teaching Seminar” organized by Harvard Business Publishing and Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad at Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai, February 12-13, 2016.
- Attended one day Faculty Development Programme on “Case Method Teaching Seminar” organized by Harvard Business Publishing at Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai, July 1,2017.
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Research Quality, Research Productivity and Inductive Methodology” organized by Cornell University at Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai, December 5-10, 2016.
- Attended Assurance of Learning Seminar of AACSB in February’ 2015 at New Delhi.
- “Attended Faculty Development Program on Multi-Criteria Decision Making” during Research Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management held at Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management, Nashik, 18 February’ 2018.
- Attended Faculty Development Program on “Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis” organised by Campbell Collaboration held at Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai from 19-21 March’ 2018.
- Attended Capstone Business Simulation Program of Capsim Management Simulations, Inc., USA held at Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai from 6-7 July’ 2018.
Contribution to Community
- Mentor for We Care
- Panel member for FTMBA Admissions
- Corporate Trainer for Operations and Supply Chain. Trained more than 2000 Executives and Managers till now
- Mentor for Dissertations and Capstone Projects
Professional Membership
- Member, International Management Research Academy (IMRA), London, United Kingdom, (2015)
- Member, IIMA-Mumbai chapter (2015), (Alumnus IIMA 2005 Batch)
- Professional Member with International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS), Japan, (2015).
- Life member of Operational Research Society of India (ORSI),(2011).
- Member of All India Management Association (AIMA), 2014-15.
- Ex. Honorary Secretary (Jaipur Chapter) - April 2013-14 and Life Member of Indian Society for Training and Development (ISTD)-2011.
- Life Member of IIM Ahmedabad Alumni Association (IIMA), (2005).
Editorial Boards
- Reviewer for Quality &Quantity (ABDC- B Category) Journal
- Reviewer for Journal of Cleaner Production (ABDC-A Category) Journal
- Reviewer for NMIMS Management Review Journal (Sage Publication)
- Reviewer with International Association for Business and Economics (IABE), Society for Global Business and Economic Development (SGBED), Russia, (2012).
- Senior Member scientific and technical committee and reviewer with International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT), Singapore, (2012)
- Received the 30th Business School Affaire & Dewang Mehta National Education Leadership Award in ‘Most Influential Professor’ category. The award was presented on 24th November’2023 at Taj Lands, Mumbai.
- Received World Education Congress Award (12th Edition) under category “Prof. Indira Parikh 50 Women in Education Leaders”. The certificate is endorsed by World Federation of Academic & Educational Institutions. Award was presented on 13th July’2023 at Taj Lands End, Mumbai.
- Received Best Faculty Award by SBM, NMIMS for the Academic Year 2019-20 @ convocation 2023
- "SME alliances & leveraging human capital" session chair at the 2015 IMRA-IIMB International Conference held at IIM Bangalore, 16-18 December’ 2015.
- Member of Thesis Advisory Committee at SBM, NMIMS, Mumbai
- Invited as external expert for the Viva-voce to judge the thesis and also examiner for many thesis.
- Received Best Paper Award for "Using The Turnaround Model As A Framework For Improvement And Change With Special Reference To SMEs: A Case Study" presented at the Milagrow World SME Conference, 2009.
- Invited as an Expert at IIIM, Jaipur for the "Summer Training Project Report Presentation", December’ 2013.
- Session Chair during 2nd International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving ‘SocPros12’ organized by JK Lakshmipat University in association with Liverpool Hope University, UK and IIT Roorkee, 2012.
- "JIT in Warehousing Operations: An Analytical Study of Cement Industry, paper was listed on SSRN’s Top Ten download list for Operations Research eJournal, 2012.
- Invited as an Expert in National Case Writing Contest at Amity University, Rajasthan, November’ 2011.
- Chairperson of MBA (Full Time Residential) at Institute of Management, JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur (2011-13).
- Chairperson of Faculty Development Programme (FDP) at Institute of Management, JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur (2010-2012).
- Head of Department of Management Studies at Maharshi Arvind Institute of Science and Management, Jaipur (2001-2008).
- Invited as guest speaker for sessions on "Retail Distribution and Supply Chain Management" organized by Management Institutions.
- Examiner and paper setter of six universities in Rajasthan for the last 15 years.
- Resource person for Short Term Training Programme (FDP) on Research Methods and Data Analysis (Using SPSS and EViews) jointly organized by ORSI, 11-17 July’2013.