Hema Bajaj
Associate Professor
Email: hema.bajaj@sbm.nmims.edu
Academic and Professional Qualification
- Ph.D., Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, 2010
- Topic : HR Integration in Mergers and Acquisitions: A Study of the Process and its Determinants
- M.Phil, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, 2008
- Topic: The Process of HR Integration in Mergers and Acquisitions
- M.B.A., 1997, Agra University
- Major: Marketing and HRM
- B.SC., 1994, Agra University
- Major: Zoology, Chemistry and Botany
Industry Experience
- Assistant Manager - Incentive Travel at Kuoni Travels, Mumbai, 1999-2001
- Management Trainee at Panacea Biotec Limited, New Delhi, 1998- 1999
Ph.D. Topic
HR Integration in Mergers and Acquisitions: A Study of the Process and its Determinants
Research Interests- Employee Engagement
- HR Challenges and Integration in Mergers and Acquisitions
- Employee Happiness,
- Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Justice.
Recent Publications
Refereed Journal Articles
- Bajaj, Hema and Krishnan, Venkat R. (forthcoming). Role of Justice Perceptions and Social Exchange in Enhancing Employee Happiness. International Journal of Business Excellence (http://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode= IJBEX)
- Bajaj, Hema and Krishnan, Venkat R. (2014). Perceived Organizational Support and Affect: The Moderating Effect of Locus of Control. Great lakes Herald, 8 (1): 22-31
- Bajaj, Hema (2012). HR Integration In Mergers and Acquisitions: Impact of Relative Size and Performance of the Combining Organizations. Great Lakes Herald, 6(1): 1-15.
- Bajaj, Hema. (2009). Significance of Organization Culture in Mergers and Acquisitions –A Case of Acquisition of an Old Private Sector Bank by a New Private Sector Bank. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 45(2):229-242.
Research in Progress
- Bajaj, Hema (under review). ‘Corporate Governance: At the Crossroads?' in 'Governance and Governed: Multi-Country Perspectives’ Research Initiative of Tata Institute of Social Sciences and London School of Economics. Cambridge University Press.
- Bajaj Hema and Krishnan, Venkat R. Employee Engagement: Role of Leader-Member Exchange, Core Self-Evaluation and Job Satisfaction. Accepted for the forthcoming (December 11-13, 2015) Indian Academy of Management Conference.
- Bajaj, Hema and Srivastava, Deepak K. (Writing Stage) Employee Engagement Case Study at a Leading Organization in the decorative paint segment.
- Bajaj, Hema (Writing Stage), Employee Engagement and Happiness: Role of Organizational Support.
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