
Dr. Payal Trivedi

Assistant Professor

(022) 4235 5555


Academic and Professional Qualification

  • Fellowship Program in Management (FPM), MICA, Ahmedabad
  • MBA, Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 2013
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar, Gujarat, 2011


Honors and Awards

  • Won the Best Paper Presenter award for the paper titled "Tell me a story! Antecedents to purchase of handloom products in India" at International Conference on Marketing, Tourism & Hospitality- ICT '19 organized at Bangkok, Thailand
  • Conferred with Second Runner Up Award in the Best Paper Category for the paper titled "To study the antecedents of consumers’ purchase intentions of cultural products" at 7th AIM AMA Seth Foundation Doctoral Consortium and Conference organized in MICA, Ahmedabad
  • Recognized as India First Runner up in the presentation competition on "Rural Marketing - Cloning Brands” organized by Sarva Vidyalaya Institute of Management, Kadi.

Courses Taught

  • Consumer behavior, Marketing management, Business research methodology, Marketing research.

Teaching Experience

  • Jagdish Sheth School of Management (JAGSOM), Assistant Professor-Marketing
  • Pune Institute of Business Management, Assistant Professor-Marketing
  • IIM Ahmedabad, Academic Associate, Marketing Area

Industry Experience

  • Inbound Sales Executive with Jindal RHM Interactive Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad, India

Ph.D. Topic

  • Role of story marketing in forming consumers’ intentions to purchase cultural products

Research Interest 

  • Consumer behavior, Digital marketing and General management

Recent Publications

Refereed Journal Articles

  • Anushree Karani Mehta, Heena Thanki, Rasananda Panda, Payal Trivedi, (2022-23), Exploring the psychological contract during new normal: construction and validation of the revised psychological contract scale, International Journal of Manpower, Emerald Group Publishing, Accepted August 2022, ISSN: 0143-7720, 1758-6577, ABDC "A", Scopus, Web of Science, Impact Factor: 3.295 https://doi.org/10.1108/IJM-05-2022-0201
  • Karani Anushree, Jayswal Mitesh, Panda Rasananda, Trivedi Payal, (2021), If you fulfill your promise, I will be an asset for you: Exploring the Relationship between Psychological Contract Fulfillment and Individual Ambidexterity, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Emerald Group Publishing, ISSN: 0144-333X, 1758-6720, ABDC ‘B’, Scopus, Web of Science
  • Karani A., Trivedi P., Thanki H., (2021), Psychological Contract and Well-being during Covid-19 Pandemic, Journal of organizational effectiveness: People and Performance, Emerald Group publishing,  ISSN: 2051-6614, 2051-6622, ABDC ‘B’, Web of Science
  • Karani Anushree, Deshpande Revati, Jayswal Mitesh, Trivedi Payal, (2021), Breach of Employer Obligation and Employee Well-being during COVID-19 unlock phase, Human Systems Management, IOS press, ISSN: 0167-2533, 1875-8703, ABDC ‘C’, Scopus, Web of Science, 6th July 2021, pp.1-15, 2021
  • Trivedi Payal, Vasavada-Oza Falguni, Krishna Rajneesh, (2020), Tell me a story! Antecedents to purchase of handloom products in India, Global Business Review, Sage Publication, pp.1-17, ISSN: 0972-1509, 0973-0664, June 8, 2020.
  • https://doi.org/10.1177/0972150920907251
  • Prajapati Kalpesh B., Trivedi Payal, Advani Sneha, (2014), A Study on Pester Power's Impact: Identify Pester Power's Impact on the Purchase Decision of Guardians with Specific Focus on Snacks Category, Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management, Asian Research Consortium, Vol. 4, Issue. 2, pp.143-149, ISSN: 2249-7307



  • Workshop on “Publishing in Top Journals, Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Theory Development and Testing and A General Method for Scale Development” conducted by eminent scholar of Marketing Research Prof. Naresh Malhotra at MICA, Ahmedabad from 21- 23 August 2018
  • Workshop on “Journey and Research in engagement and Research 3 Methodology” conducted by eminent scholar of Marketing Prof. Edward Malthouse at MICA, Ahmedabad from 4th and 5th September 2018
  • 6th AIM AMA Seth Foundation Doctoral Consortium and Conference organized in Welingkar Institute of Management, Bengaluru, India from 4th to 7th January 2018
  • Workshop on ‘Case Writing’ conducted by eminent scholars Prof. Abhinandan Jain and Prof. Mukund Dixit from Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIM-A) at MICA, Ahmedabad from 18-19 December 2017
  • Conference-‘M-Power War Room’ organized by Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. and IIM, Ahmedabad at IIM-A

Conference Papers

  • Karani, A., Thanki H., Panda, R., & Trivedi, P. (2021). Exploring the Psychological Contract during New-Normal: Construction and validation of the revised psychological contract scale. Paper selected for the virtual international conference: ICMC 2021 held 7-9 January 2021 organized by MICA, Ahmedabad, India
  • Karani, A., Trivedi, P. & Thanki, H. (2020). Meeting employees’ expectations matter during Covid-19 Pandemic. Paper selected for the virtual international conference: Convergence held on 18th and 19th December 2020 organized by JAGSOM formerly known as IFIM Business School, India
  • Trivedi, P., Vasavada, F. & Trivedi, J. (2019). Tell me a story! Antecedents to purchase of handloom products in India. Paper presented at International Conference on Marketing, Tourism & Hospitality- ICT '19 organized in Bangkok, Thailand from 1517 February 2019
  • Trivedi, P., &Vasavada, F. (2019). To study the antecedents of consumers’ purchase intentions of cultural products, Paper presented at 7th AIM AMA Seth Foundation Doctoral Consortium and Conference organized in MICA, Ahmedabad India on 7th January 2019
  • Trivedi, P., & Panda, R. (2017). Sustainability Marketing: A way towards life cycle management. Indian Conference on Life Cycle Management (ILCM) 2017 held on 17–18 October 2016 in New Delhi, India
  • Trivedi, P., & Karani, A. (2016). Customer Focused Business Strategies: A paradigm shift. Paper presented at the third annual international conference on Marketing Reborn: Traditions, Trends and Techniques held on February 18-20, at MICA, Ahmedabad, India

Guest Sessions conducted

  • 19th April 2021 as a part of the “Marketing Monday” initiative by Bruce R. Thompsons Center for Business and Economics a guest session has been conducted on “practical use and benefits of Storytelling in Marketing” at Allegheny college, Pennsylvania, USA.
  • 3rd October, 2020, as a part of guest lecture series named “Samvaad” organized by GLS University, Ahmedabad on the topic titled “Usage of Storytelling in the field of Marketing”.

Research in Progress

  • Trivedi, P. & Karani, A., Soni, S. (2021). A study on factors influencing regional food consumption. (UR: International Journal of Emerging Markets, ABDC-B)
  • Karani, A., Thanki H., Panda, R., Trivedi, P. (2021). Exploring the Psychological Contract during New-Normal: Construction and validation of the revised psychological contract scale (UR: International Journal of Human Resource Management, ABDC-A)
  • Sivagnanasundaram & Trivedi. P. Rebranding of management institution in India: A story of JAGSOM formerly known as IFIM (TJ: Case Center)
  • Trivedi, P., Karani, A., Soni S. (2021). Factors influencing consumers’ intentions to purchase organic products (TJ: Journal of Cleaner production, ABDC-A)
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