Preeti Nayal
Assistant Professor
Ms. Preeti Nayal holds a doctorate degree in the Marketing domain from NITIE, Mumbai. She has a rich corporate experience of more than 5 years with multiple prestigious companies in the areas of Business Development and Sales. She is a Computer Science Engineer by qualification and has done her MBA in Marketing. Prior to joining NMIMS Mumbai, she was associated with IMT Ghaziabad as a Faculty in Marketing Department.
Email: preeti.nayal@sbm.nmims.edu
- Marketing Management
- Social Media Marketing
- Integrated Marketing Communication
- Marketing Analytics
Teaching Experience
Faculty, Marketing Department, IMT Ghaziabad (9th November 2020- May’2021)
- Taught Integrated Marketing Communication to Flagship Program of IMT
- Taught Mobile Marketing as a Subject Matter Expert to Executive PGDM
- Member of Marketing and Branding Committee for IMT
Industry Experience:
5+ years of experience in business development and sales.
Ph.D. Topic: Enhancing Intention to Redeem Digital Coupon among Moviegoers
Recent Publications
- Kumar, A., Shankar, A., & Nayal, P. (2024). Metaverse is not my cup of tea! An investigation into how personality traits shape metaverse usage intentions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. (ABDC-A)
- Shankar, A., Jebarajakirthy, C., Nayal, P., Maseeh, H.I., Kumar, A., & Sivapalan, A. (2022). Online food delivery: A systematic synthesis of literature and a framework development. International Journal of Hospitality Management (ABDC-A*)
- Nayal, P., & Pandey, N. (2022). What makes a moviegoer redeem digital coupons? A grounded theory approach. Journal of Promotion Management (ABDC-B)
- Nayal, P., & Pandey, N. & Paul, J. (2021). Covid-19 Pandemic and Consumer-Employee-Organization wellbeing: A dynamic capability theory approach. Journal of Consumer Affairs (ABDC-A)
- Nayal, P., & Pandey, N. & Paul, J. (2021). Examining m-Coupon Redemption Intention among Consumers: A Moderated Moderated-Mediation and Conditional Model. International Journal of Information Management. (ABDC-A*) DOI: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2020.102288
- Nayal, P., & Pandey, N. Framework for usage intention of digital coupons: A SPADM approach. Journal of Strategic Marketing (ABDC-A)
- Nayal, P., & Pandey, N. (2020). Digital Coupon Redemption: Conceptualization, Scale Development and Validation. Australasian Journal of Information Systems (ABDC-A)
- Pandey, N., Nayal, P., & Rathore, A. S. (2020). Digital marketing for B2B organizations: structured literature review and future research directions. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing (ABDC-A)
- Nayal, P., & Pandey, N. (2020). Redemption Intention of Coupons: A Meta-Analytical Review and Future Directions. Journal of Promotion Management (ABDC-B)
Paper Presentation in Conferences
- “Instrument Development for Digital Coupon Redemption Intention” in third National Conference on Industrial Engineering and Technology Management (NCIETM-2018), NITIE Mumbai: 30th Nov- 1 st Dec, 2018.
- “Intention to redeem m-coupons: The role of personal innovativeness, perceived convenience and perceived risk” in 15th SIMSR Global Marketing Conference-2020 “MarkTech 2.0”, 23rd Jan-24th Jan, 202
Academic Service
- Active reviewer for International Journal of Consumer Studies (ABDC-A)
- Active reviewer for International Business Review (ABDC-A)
- Book Chapters Review for IGI Publication
- Active reviewer for Australian Journal of Information Systems(ABDC-A)
- Active reviewer for Journal of Promotion Management(ABDC-B)
- Active reviewer for Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice (ABDC-B)
- “The Fundamental of Digital Marketing” - Google Digital Unlocked – Issued in 2018
- “Marketing Analytics”- Coursera- 2020
- “Marketing in Digital World”- Coursera-2020