Siby Abraham
Professor (Data Science)
Phone : (022) 42355700
Email: siby.abraham@nmims.edu
Academic and Professional Qualification
- PhD in Computer Science, University of Mumbai.
- MSc in Mathematics, Cochin University of Science& Technology, Kochi, Kerala.
- BSc in Mathematics, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam,
Teaching Experience:
- April 2023 – Present, Professor (Data Science), School of Business Management, NMIMS Deemed to be University, Mumbai.
- Jan 2021 – March 2023: Professor, Centre of excellence in Analytics and Data science, NMIMS Deemed to be University, Mumbai.
- July 2001- Jan 2021: Honorary Visiting Faculty, University Department of Computer Science, University of Mumbai.
- October 2005 – Jan 2021: Head & Associate Professor, Department Mathematics & Statistics, Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Matunga, University of Mumbai.
- June 1993- October 2005: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Guru Nanak Khalsa College, University of Mumbai.
- June 1992- June 1993: Lecturer, Mahatma Junior College, Panvel, Navi Mumbai
- December 1991- April 1992: Lecturer, Royal College, Mira road, Mumbai.
Teaching and pedagogical Innovations:
- Interactive Coding Sessions: Real-Time Learning by Doing
- Hands-On Learning: Mastering skills Through Real-World Projects for Practical Expertise
- Comprehensive Learning: Integrating Diverse Perspectives for In-Depth Understanding
- Cloud-Powered Learning: Flexible Machine Learning Implementation Anytime, Anywhere
- Empowering Scholarly Inquiry: Student-Driven Research Paper Writing
- Responsible AI Practices: Ethical Exploration and Societal Impact
Ph.D. Topic: ‘Finding Numerical Solution to a Diophantine Equation: Hard Computing versus Soft Computing’.
Industry Experience: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Consultant, Cerelabs Ltd, Mumbai (2018-2020).
Courses Taught:
- Artificial Intelligence for Business
- Programming for Analytics
- Data Wrangling
- Advanced Python Programming
- Machine Learning Techniques
- Advanced Machine Learning Techniques
- Deep Learning
- Advanced Deep Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Time Series Analysis
- Multi-variate Analysis
- Story telling with data
- Stochastic Process
Courses taught for BSc/ MSc
- Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Assembly Language
- Bioinformatics
- Computer programming languages like Python, JAVA and C,
- Data Base Management Systems
- Deep Learning
- Intelligent Systems
- Machine Learning
- Algebra
- Calculus
- Discrete Mathematics
- Mathematical Analysis
- Mechanics
- Numerical Methods
- Descriptive Statistics
- Mathematical Modeling & Computer Simulation
- Statistical Systems
- Social Network Analysis
- Operation Research
Honors and Awards:
- Member, IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Technical Committee on Soft Computing, since 2012.
- Received the best paper award for the paper “Evolution Induced Secondary Immunity: An Artificial Immune System based Intrusion Detection System”, presented at the 7th International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications held in Ostrava, Czech Republic, June 26 – June 28, 2008.
- Received the best faculty award of the Centre of Excellence in Analytics and Data Science (COE-ADS) for the year 2021-2022.
- Citations
- Google Scholar: Total Citations: 473; h-index:9; highest individual citation: 95
- Semantic scholar: Total Citations: 213; h-index:8; Cited works: 27; highest individual citation: 46
- Scopus: Total Citations: 133; h-index: 5; highest individual citation: 43
- Machine Intelligence Research Labs, USA
- Asian Australian Agritech Collaboration Network, Australia
Editorial boards:
- Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, ISSN 1942-2679
- Member, Scientific Committee and Advisory Board, Annals of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara – International Journal of Engineering. IISN 2601-2332.
Service to the University:
Designed course outlines for the following courses of MBA in Business Analytics:
- Artificial Intelligence for Business
- Machine Learning Techniques
- Advanced Machine Learning Techniques
- Deep Learning
- Advanced Deep Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Data Wrangling
- Advanced Python Programming
- Time Series Analysis
- Stochastic Process
- Multi-variate Analysis
- Supervised Learning
- Unsupervised Learning
Worked as a faculty SPOC of Centre of Excellence in Analytics and Data Science for NAAC activities(2021-2023)
Service to the School:
- Helped in co-ordinating, planning and executing several tasks related to program structure, academic calendar, formulating academic guideline and designing course outlines for many courses as part COE-A&DS.
- Worked as a faculty in charge of various students’ clubs like Drishti- Marketing Club, Dive-n-Data and Play-bot during 2021-23.
- Offered help in the smooth conduct of orientation program and redesigning course outline for ‘Business Analytics’ of MBA(Core) (2023-2024)
Research Interest
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science, Natural Language Processing and their applications in various fields.
Guided many students for PhD in Computer Science in areas like Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Bioinformatics at the University Department of Computer Science, University of Mumbai since 2012.
Recent Publications
Refereed Journal Articles:
- [Maria Achary, Siby Abraham]: ‘Leveraging Autoencoders for Better Representation Learning’ Journal of Computer Information Systems, pp:1-21, May 2024 (ABDC A category, Impact factor: 2.8).
- [Subodh Deolekar, Siby Abraham], ‘Tree-based classification of tabla strokes’, Current Science, Vol. 115, No: 9, 10 Nov 2018, (Impact factor: 169).
- [Jyotsna Dongardive, Siby Abraham]: 'Reaching optimized parameter set: protein secondary structure prediction using neural network', Neural Computing and Applications, Jan 2016, pp:1-28. ISSN: 0941-0643 (print version), ISSN: 1433-3058 (electronic version). (Impact Factor: 6.0).
- [Jyotshna Dongardive, Siby Abraham]: 'Secondary Structure Prediction of Protein using Resilient Back Propagation Learning Algorithm', Broad Research In Artificial Intelligence And Neuroscience, Volume 6, Issues 1-2, September 2015, pp 23-30. ISSN 2067-3957 (online), ISSN 2068 - 0473 (print). (Impact Factor: 2.3).
- [Siby Abraham, Sugata Sanyal, Mukund Sanglikar]: “Numerical Solutions of Diophantine Equation using Ant Colony Optimization”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 219, Issue 24, August 2013, pp: 11376-11387, ISSN 0096-3003. (Impact Factor: 4.091)
- [Ankit Agarwal, Jyotshna Dongerdive, Siby Abraham]: “Reduction of Risk Factors in Risk Assessment: An Identification Tree Approach”, International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, 3, No. 2, April 2013, ISSN 2010-3697.
- [Siby Abraham, Sugata Sanyal, Mukund Sanglikar]: “A Connectionist Network Approach to Find Numerical Solutions of Diophantine Equations”, International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Management in Vol. III, Issue-I (Jan-Jun 2013), pp 73-81. ISSN 2231-3273.
- [Suruchi Jamkhedkar, Jyotshna Dongerdive, Kavita Jain, Siby Abraham, Jacinta S. D’Souza]: “Arriving at a correlation between the flagellar arrangement and multicellularity”, Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, Scientific Research Publishing, Volume 4, Number 1, January 2013, PP. 93-102. ISSN: 2156-8456. (Impact Factor: 1.18).
- [Siby Abraham, Sushmita Dey]: ”User Interface For A Search Engine: A Customized and Multidomain Approach”, International journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, Volume 4, 2012. ISSN 2150-7988)
- [Siby Abraham, Imre Kiss, Sugata Sanyal, Mukund Sanglikar]: “Finding Numerical Solution of Diophantine Equations Using Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing”, Annals of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara – International Journal of Engineering, Tome IX(Year 2011), Fascicule 2. ISSN 1584 -2665.
- [Shilpi Srivastava, Siby Abraham, Mukund Sanglikar, D C Kothari]: “Role of Ensemble Learning in Identifying Hindi Names”, International Journal of Computer Science and Applications, Issue 2, 2011, ISSN No. 0974-0767.
- [Siby Abraham, Sugata Sanyal, Mukund Sanglikar]: “Particle Swarm Optimization based Diophantine Equation Solver,” International Journal of Bio-inspired Computation, ISSN (Online): 1758-0374; ISSN (Print): 1758-0366 Vol 2, No 2, pp 100-114, 2010. (Impact factor: 5)
- [Ajith Abraham, Sabu M. Thampi, Sankar Pal, Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Siby Abraham and S. Ramakrishnan] (Editors): Proceedings of the 2012 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies, 30 October – 02 November 2012, Trivandrum, India. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1268R-CDR. ISBN: 978-1-4673-4804-1.
- [Alexander Gelbukh, Ajith Abraham, Albert Zomaya, Andre Carvalho, Simone Ludwig, Ana Maria Madureira and Siby Abraham](Editors): Proceedings of the 2012 Fourth World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC 12), Nov 5- 9, 2012, Mexico City, Mexico, IEEE, ISBN:978-1-4673-4768-6.
- [Ajith Abraham, Dharma Agrawal, Siby Abraham, Emilio Corchado, Preeti Bajaj, Geetam Tomar](Editors): Proceedings of World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT 2011), Mumbai, India 11-14 December 2011, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1168R-CDR. ISBN 978-1-4673-0125-1.
Book Chapters
- [Subodh Deolekar, Siby Abraham], ‘Composing Music by Machine Using Particle Swarm Optimization’, Computer Assisted Music and Dramatics Possibilities and Challenges: Advances in Intelligent systems and Computing, Springer, June, 2023, ISBN 978-981-99-0886-8.
- [Maria Achary, Siby Abraham]: ‘Feature Extraction Using Autoencoders: A Case Study with Parkinson’s Disease’ in Innovations in Computational Intelligence and Computer Vision, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, volume 1424, Springer, May 2022, pp:535-546, ISSN 978-981-19-0475-2.
- [Shweta Shirsat, Siby Abraham]: ‘Tooth Detection from Panoramic Radiographs Using Deep Learning’, Proceeding s of International Conference in Big Data Analytics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 13147. Springer, December 2021, ISSN 978-3-030-93620-4
- [Subodh Deolekar, Ninad Godambe, Siby Abraham], ‘Genetic Algorithm to generate music compositions: A case study with tabla. Proceedings of International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, volume 734, Springer, March 2018, ISBN: 978-3-319-76350-7.
- [Mahendra G Kanojia, Siby Abraham], “Breast Cancer Detection Using Neural Network”, Proceedings of IEEE 2nd IEEE International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics, Noida, India, 14-17 December 2016. ISBN: 978-1-5090-5255-4
- [Subodh Deolekar, Siby Abraham]: 'Classification of Tabla Strokes Using Neural Network', Computational Intelligence in Data Mining—Volume 1, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Mining, 5-6 December 2015, Springer publications, pp 347-356. ISSN 2194-5357. ISSN 2194-5365 (electronic)
- [Jyotshna Dongardive, Siby Abraham]: 'Protein Sequence Classification Based on N-Gram and K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm', Computational Intelligence in Data Mining—Volume 2, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Mining, 5-6 December 2015, Springer publications, pp 163-171. ISSN 2194-5357. ISSN 2194-5365 (electronic).
- [Jyotshna Dongerdive, Siby Abraham]: “Predicting 3D structure of proteins from genomic sequences: A Genetic Algorithm Approach”, Proceedings of the second International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACCI 2013), Mysore, India, 22-25 August 2013, ISBN 978-1-4673-6217-7/13, pp:1207-1212.
- [Jyotshna Dongerdive, Siby Abraham]: “Finding consensus by sequence evolution: An application of Differential evolution”, proceedings of the 2nd World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies sponsored by IEEE and held at Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management (IIITMK), Kerala during 30th Oct – 2nd Nov 2012, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1268R-CDR. ISBN: 978-1-4673-4804-1(Google Scholar Citation: 3).
- [Upasana Dal, Divyata Dal, Siby Abraham]: “A Facial Caricature Generation System using Adaptive Thresholding”, Proceedings of World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT 2011), Mumbai, India 11-14 December 2011, pp 686-691. ISBN 978-1-4673-0125-1 (Google Scholar Citation: 6).
- [Jyotshna Dongerdive, Agnes Xavier, Kavita Jain, Siby Abraham]: “Classification and Rule-Based approach to diagnose Pulmonary Tuberculosis”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ACC 2011), Springer Verlag, Communications in Computer and Information Systems, Volume 190, Part IV, pp 328-339.
- [Ankit Agarwal, Jyotshna Dongerdive, Siby Abraham]: “Reduction of Risk Factors in Risk Assessment: An Identification tree approach”, Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation (ICCMS 2011), Mumbai, India, 7th -9th January 2011.
- [Siby Abraham, Imre Kiss, Sugata Sanyal, Mukund Sanglikar]: “Steepest ascent hill climbing for a mathematical problem”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advanced Engineering & Applied Management – 40th anniversary in higher education (1970-2010), University Politehnica Timisoara, faculty of engineering Hunedoara, Romania, 4th-5th, November, 2010, Volume 3, pp 269- 274, ISBN 978-973-0-09340-7.
- [Susmitha Dey, Siby Abraham]: “Personalized And Domain Specific User Interface For A Search Engine”, Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices (NWeSP 2010), Gwalior, India, 23rd-25th November, 2010.
- [Jyotshna Dongerdive, Aarti Patil, Aditya Bir, Suruchi Jamhedkar, Siby Abraham]: “Finding motifs using Harmony Search”, Proceedings of ACM International Symposium on Bioinformatics, National Institute of Technology Kozhikode, India, 15th -17th February 2010 (Google Scholar Citation: 10)
- [Aditya Bir, Jyotshna Dongerdive, Suruchi Jamhedkar, Siby Abraham]: “Finding Consensus of Human Papillomavirus Using Genetic Algorithm,” Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Nature and Bio-inspired Computing, Coimbatore, India, 9th -12th December, 2009.
Refereed Journal Articles
- Principal Investigator, ‘Machine Learning and its Impact on Learning’, Sponsored by University of Mumbai, during 2017-2018
- Principal Investigator, ‘Finding numerical Solutions of Diophantine Equations using Differential Evolution’, Sponsored by University of Mumbai during 2012-2013.
- Principal Investigator, ‘Tuning Mathematics Music Inspired: Finding Numerical Solution to Diophantine Equation using Harmony Search’, Sponsored by University of Mumbai, during 2009-2010.
Case Studies Published
Research in Progress
- ‘A Deep Learning Approach to Radiographic Analysis of Dental Implantology ‘.
- ‘Classification, Prediction and Early Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Disorders Using Deep Learning’
- ‘Deep Spectral Learning: Enhancing Chemical Identification through Artificial Intelligence"