Sridhar Vaithianathan
Director – Centre of Excellence in Analytics & Data Science,
Professor (Analytics) & Program Chairperson – MBA-Business Analytics,
Phone : (022) 42332284 Ext: 2284 (Direct)
Email : sridhar.v@nmims.edu
Academic and Professional Qualification
- PhD in Management, Icfai University, Dehradun, 2011. (Title: Determinants of E-Commerce Adoption and Its Impact on Firm Performance: An Analysis on Indian Financial Services Sector)
- Cleared National Eligibility Test (NET) for lectureship in Management Studies, June 2005
- MBA. Specialization in Information Systems and Marketing Management, National Institute of Technology (formerly Regional Engineering College), Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, 2002
- B.E. (Electronics and Communication), Government College of Engineering, M.S.University, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, 1994-1998
Teaching Experience: 23 Years (as of Oct 2023)
(Experience from 2005 is provided below)
- May 2023 - till date : Professor (Operations & Decision Sciences), SBM, SVKM’s NMIMS, Mumbai
- April 2021 – April 2023: Director & Professor (Analytics), Centre of Excellence in Analytics & Data Science, SVKM’s NMIMS, Mumbai
- July 2013 – April 2021: Associate Professor & Area Chairperson, Institute Of Management Technology (IMT) Hyderabad.
- July, 2008 – June 2013: Assistant Professor, IFHE (Formerly Known as Icfai Business School) Hyderabad
- Sep, 2007 - June, 2008: Visiting Research Scholar, The University Of Toledo, Oh, USA.
- August, 2005 – August, 2007: Research Scholar, Icfai Institute For Management Teachers (IIMT), Hyderabad
Teaching and pedagogical Innovations:
- Developed and delivered courses in Analytics, emphasizing hands-on experience with real-world datasets and practical applications using tools like Python, R, and Tableau.
- Organized data hackathons and integrated Kaggle and Analytics Vidhya datasets, fostering problem-solving skills and industry relevance among students.
- Designed innovative courses such as "Structured Thinking," "Analytics Pipeline Management," and "Report Writing for Analytics Use Cases" to guide students through the analytics research process, implementation, and reporting.
- Implemented diverse assessment components, including video presentations and poster presentations, and engaged industry experts for project evaluation, strengthening industry connections and enhancing students' readiness for the workforce.
Ph.D. Topic: Determinants of E-Commerce Adoption and Its Impact on Firm Performance: An Analysis on Indian Financial Services Sector
- Machine Learning Algorithm using Python
- Structured Thinking
- Multivariate Techniques
- Applied Business Analytics
- Multivariate Techniques
- Data Science Using R
- Visual Analytics using Tableau
- Data Analysis for Decision Making
- Business Research Methods
- Advanced Machine Learning Algorithm
- Sports Analytics
- Analytics Pipeline Management
- Report Writing for Analytics Use Cases
- Business Statistics
- Advanced Spreadsheet Modeling
- IT for Managers
- Enterprise Resource Planning
Honors and Awards:
- “Highly commendable paper” award in the 5th International conference on Business Analytics & Intelligence (11-13 Dec 2017) held at IIM, Bangalore for his paper titled “Recommender System to increase engagement among Spenders and Non-spenders for Freemium mobile games”
- Presented research paper on “Predictive model to proliferate spend propensity among freemium mobile gamers.” 2018 INFORMS BUSINESS ANALYTICS CONFERENCE, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.( 15-17, April 2018)
- World Research Council in association with International Journal for Research Under Literal Access (IJRULA and United Medical Council, has awarded “Best Researcher in Business Analytics” in an international innovation congress held at Trichy, Tamilnadu on 26th February 2019.
- Best Professor in Business Analytics’ from ICBM School of Business Excellence (ICBM-SBE) - Association of Management Professionals (AMP) Academic Excellence Awards 2018 held at ICBM-SBE, Hyderabad on 24th Nov 2018.
- Won Runners up prize for his case titled “Adpelz Digital: Defining Digital Advertising” at 6thInternational ICBM Case conference 2018 held on 29th Dec 2018 at ICBM School of Business Excellence at Hyderabad.
- “Associate Blockchain Developer”, certified by Blockchain University (https://theblockchainu.com/ for successfully completed the Blockchain U Certification Program. 29th March 2019.
- Obtained Certification on “Advanced Spreadsheet using MS Excel” by ICDL (International Computer Driving License). Dec 2018.
Service to the University:
Within two years years of my tenure as Director, the CoE-A&DS’ MBA- Business Analytics program was ranked
- 10th among top 20 PG Data Sciences Program across India. Ranked by Analytics India Magazine, Nov 2022. https://analyticsindiamag.com/20-best-postgraduate-data-science-courses-in-india-2022/
- 6th among top 10 Business Analytics program across India. Ranked by The Academic Insights. Nov 2022. https://theacademicinsights.com/India-s-Top-10-Business-Analytics-and-Data-Science-Colleges-2022/#page=22
Service to the School:
- Built a strong industry connect through visiting faculty engagement for the Courses, Master Classes, Workshops, Hackathons, industry live projects, invited talks and leadership program.
- Created as many as 20 industry relevant contemporary course/electives in Business analytics and successfully offered to the Students.
- Designed an Industry relevant Summer Internship Program (10-12 Weeks), which resulted in increased average stipend from ₹20,000 of ₹60,000. (300% YoY growth). A remarkable 30% of the batch secured Pre-Placement Offers (PPOs) from their summer internship recruiters,
- Average Salary in the final Placements saw a rising trend as well from ₹11.15 LPA of ₹15.64 LPA. (40% YoY growth). For the batch of 2021-23 MBA in Business Analytics for Final Placements, we saw an increase in the average package from Rs. 15.6 LPA to Rs. 17.85 LPA.
Expertise and Research Interest
- Machine Learning algorithm Application across various Industries
- Visual Analytics and Data Narrative.
- Natural Language Processing
- Technology Adoption in Developing Countries
- Electronic/Mobile Commerce (Online Banking/Reservation/Education)
- Block Chain
- Sports Analytics
Recent Publications
Refereed Journal Articles:
- Panda, D.K., Reddy, S. and Vaithianathan, S. (2022), "Does the cashless transaction work? An analysis of policy challenges in an emerging economy", Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance, Vol. 24 No. 2, pp. 179-198. https://doi.org/10.1108/DPRG-01-2021-0007 (ABDC Ranking - B Category)
- Vaithianathan, Sridhar., Mishra, Vishal., Srivastava, Ankur (2021). “Understanding the determinants of mobile retailing adoption and usage behavior.” International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, Vol.12 No.4, pp.373 – 393. (ABDC Ranking - C Category) DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2021.10040526
- Khan Md.Raziuddin Taufique , Sridhar Vaithianathan (2018). “A fresh look at understanding Green consumer behavior among young urban Indian consumers through the lens of Theory of Planned Behavior.” Journal of Cleaner Production 183, 43-55. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959652618304098 (ABDC Ranking - A Category) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.02.097
- Mishra, Vishal., Vaithianathan, Sridhar. (2015). “Customer personality and relationship satisfaction: Empirical evidence from Indian banking sector”, The International Journal of Bank Marketing 33(2), pp. 122-142. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJBM-02-2014-0030/full/html (ABDC Ranking - A Category) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/IJBM-02-2014-0030
- Vaithianathan, Sridhar., (2010). “A Review of E-Commerce Literature on India and Research Agenda for the Future”, Electronic Commerce Research Journal, Vol 10, Issue 1, pg 83-92. March 2010. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10660-010-9046-0 (ABDC Ranking - A Category). DOI 10.1007/s10660-010-9046-0
- Grant: Completed a grant project (INR 3, 50,000.00) offered by National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), Hyderabad, India. The project was titled “Study on Adoption of Cashless Transaction Solutions by Small merchants in the tier 2 and tier 3 cities of Telangana State”. 13th June 2018
Case Studies Published:
- Sridhar Vaithianathan, Karthikeya P. Bolar, (2013). "Meru Cabs: past perfect and future tense", Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol. 3, No. 7, pp. 1-12. http://www.emeraldinsight.com/case_studies.htm?articleid=17101120