Somnath Roy
Associate Professor
PhD – Fellow Program in Management (Information Systems), NITIE Mumbai, 2017
Dissertation: "Study on Pre and Post Implementation Stages of ERP"
Master in Business Management (Systems), IIT Kharagpur, 1997
B. Tech (Hons), Mining Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, 1992
Industry Experience: 22 years
Email: somnath.roy@sbm.nmims.edu
L&T Infotech: October 2003 – March 2016
Deputy Delivery Head/Lead Consultant, L&T Infotech, (2003 – 2016)
Project Manager, Citicorp Overseas Software Limited (Currently known as Intellect Design Arena), (1997 –2003)
Junior Manager, SAIL (Steel Authority of India Limited), July 1992 – June 1995
I Year
- Technology Applications in Business
- Statistical Analysis
- Business Analytics
- Enterprise Architecture and IT strategy
II Year
- Capstone Business Simulation
- Marketing Research
- Basics of Crypto currency & Block chain
- Technology in Finance – Fintech
- Advanced Data Analysis
- Marketing Analytics
- AI concepts and Applications in Business
Expertise and Research Interest
No. of citations – (Scopus, Google Scholar and Research Gate) - 2
ORCID number, if available, should be added
Selected Publications
(last five/six years)
- Roy Somnath, Sangle Purnima, (2020), A Longitudinal Study of Factors Influencing User Perceptions during ERP Implementation Phases, International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (Under review)
- Roy Somnath, Sangle Purnima, (2017), Exploring Organizational Change Management techniques for successful ERP Implementation, Journal of Management Research and Analysis, III(3), pp. 136-144
- Roy Somnath, Sangle Purnima, (2016), AHP Based Framework for Prioritizing Critical Success Factors to Achieve ERP Implementation Success, International Journal of Business Information Systems, XXIV (2), pp. 174-209, Scopus Indexed, ABDC C category.