Srinivas Ainavolu
Associate Professor
B.Tech. from Kakatiya University, Warangal and FPM (Doctorate in Management) majoring in Strategic Management from IIM Calcutta. He has 20 years of Industrial and Organizational experience equally with NTPC and Reliance Groups. For the past two and a half years, he has been teaching with NMIMS at Mumbai. Recent positions held include VP – CEO’s strategy cell, AVP - Corporate Training, Asst. VP - Projects with Reliance Group companies.
Earlier positions held include Executive Member of Technical Services team with NTPC and member of the Operations & Maintenance team at NTPC.
- Strategic Management
- Strategy Implementation/li>
- Strategy, Value Creation & Management (elective)
- Strategic Management for Core-sector Companies (elective)
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Ethical Issues in Management
- Industry and Competitive Landscape Analysis
Expertise and Research Interest
Organizational Performance, Electricity Sectoral Issues, CSR
ORCID number – 0000 0003 3192 8592
Selected Publications
(last five/six years)
- Paper titled “Emerging Structural Response of the Corporate Sector – Early evidence on Mandatory Commitment” in Economics and Public Policy journal, January, 2020.
- Paper titled “Paradoxical performance – Indian Power Sector in need of interventions” in Economics and Public Policy journal, April, 2019.
- Book review “The Offshore Nation” in Decision, Journal published by IIM Calcutta (July-Dec. 2005).
- Article on relative roles of leadership and management titled “Complementing for complexity” in General Management Review (July-Sept. 2004).
- Co-authored an article summarizing Strategic Management research in recent past titled “Emerging patterns in Strategy Research” in General Management Review (Jan.-Mar. 2004).
- An article on Co-operative strategies titled “No longer a lonely battle” in General Management Review (July-Sept. 2003).
Conferences and Workshops
(last five/six years)
- Paper titled “The Effect of Business Group Affiliation on Affiliated Firm’s Performance” was presented at 7th Consortium of Students in Management Research (COSMAR) Conference at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore during December 2007.
- Paper titled “Affiliation effect in Indian business group affiliated firms” was presented at 6th Consortium of Students in Management Research (COSMAR) Conference at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore during September 2006.
- Paper titled “Leveraging Outsourcing” was presented at 2nd IIMB Management Review Conference (IMRC) 2006 on “Global Competitiveness through Outsourcing” at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore during July 2006. Revised version of the paper published in IIMB management review in September, 2007.
Consulting/Research Project
- Paper titled “Intuitive paper on Organizational Innovation” for internal circulation in the organization in 2017.
- Paper titled “Indian Urbanization, Growth trends – Decadal observation of 100 large cities” for internal circulation in the organization in 2016.
- Paper titled “Recent Indian Infrastructure Projects – An overview through dimensioning” for internal circulation in the organization in 2015.
Contribution to Community
Was NSS member during the engineering studentship period.