Veena Vohra
Professor and Vice Dean (Accreditation, Ranking, Industry and Alumni)
Email: veena.vohra@sbm.nmims.edu
Academic and Professional Qualifications
Ph.D., SBM, NMIMS, 2012.
Major: Management
Participant at Global Colloquium of Participant Centered Learning at Harvard Business School, 2008.
M.S., IPMS, 2004.
Major: Psychotherapy & Counseling
Diploma in Training & Development, Indian Society for Training & Development, New Delhi, 1999 (Awarded Gold Medal)
MBA (HR), Institute of Management Technology, IMT Ghaziabad, 1994.
Major: Human Resource Development
B.Sc. (Hons.), University of Rajasthan, 1992. (Appeared in University Merit List all three years) Major: Zoology
Certified in HR Analytics (SHRM), EQ-I 2.0 and EQ 360 Inventory, Emotional Intelligence Learning Systems assessments and learning programs, Accredited administrator of the MBTI, Belbin Interplace and Team Role Accreditation, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst, Trained Corporate Coach
Professional memberships- Member of International Leadership Association (ILA), Founder Member of Forum for Emotional Intelligence Learning (FEIL), Institutional nominee to Indian Society for Training & Development from NMIMS, Institutional nominee to Bombay Management Association, Associate Member of Indian Society for Applied Behavioural Science (ISABS), Member of HRM Committee of Bombay Chamber of Commerce & Industries (BCCI), Researcher Member with Appreciative Inquiry Commons
Editorial Board member of Business Perspectives and Research Journal
Advisory Board Member “Contextus” a boutique consulting firm. (2019)
Advisory Council member of Harvard Business Review.(2019)
Teaching Experience 18 years
Industry Experience 7 years
Technical Recruiter (Western Region) for Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Freelance recruiting for Wipro, Motorola, Lucent technologies (1999 - 2001)
Personnel Executive, Tata Consultancy Services, Mumbai, (1997 - 1999)
Feasibility Studies with Export Houses in Jaipur (1995)
Management Trainee-HR, Dabur India Ltd, New Delhi, (1994 - 1995)
- Case Study Methodology
- Qualitative Research – PhD Program
- Individual Dynamics and Leadership
- Organizational Behaviour
- Human Resource Management
- Change Management and Organization Development
- Emotional Intelligence
- Appreciative Inquiry – MBA and MBA HR Programs
- Dynamics of Group Work
- Mindfulness and Well Being – Foundational Program
Expertise and Research Interest
Research interest areas- Organization Behavior, Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Human Resource Management-Challenges and Trends, Change Management, Appreciative Inquiry application areas, Positive Psychology – Happiness, Well being, Mindfulness practices.
Google Scholar - 600 citations
ResearchGate – 89 citations
Scopus hindex -3
ORCID id: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1770-3584
Thesis Advisor for SBM PhD scholar community, successfully guided 3 scholars for PhD degree award, currently advising 5 PhD scholars as primary guide and 1 as Thesis Advisory Committee member.
Reviewer for HRM track for Indian Academy Of Management Conference held at IIM Ahmedabad, OB Area of the Academy of Management, USA for the Annual AOM Conferences, Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion (2020 May), Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance (2020 May), IIMB Management Review, (2020 May), Business Perspectives and Research, (2020 May), Journal of Asian Business & Management, Journal-Management Labour and Studies, XLRI, Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, South Asian Journal of Business Studies, Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, California Management Review (CMR), Journal of Small Business Management, Management Decision, Global Business Review, Business Perspective and Research.
Selected Publications
Refereed Journal Articles
- Anthony Montgomery, Olga Lainidi, Judith Johnson, Jennifer Creese, Fredrik Baathe, Adriana Baban, Anindo Bhattacharjee, Madeline Carter, Lotta Dellve, Eva Doherty, Mimmi Kheddache Jendeby, Karen Morgan, Manjari Srivastava, Neill Thompson, Reidar Tyssen, Veena Vohra, (2022-23), Employee silence in health care: Charting new avenues for leadership and management, Health Care Management Review, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Online Published 16th June 2022, ISSN: 0361-6274, 1550-5030, ABDC "A", Scopus, Web Of Science, Impact Factor: 2.37, https://journals.lww.com/hcmrjournal/toc/publishahead
- Nishant Tomar, Umesh Bamel, Veena Vohra, (2021-22), The mediating effect of Meaningful Work between Human Resource Practices and Innovative Work Behavior:A Study of Emerging Markets , Employee Relations, Emerald Group Publishing, Publication date: 17, 0142-5455, 1758-7069, ABDC "B", Scopus, Web Of Science, Impact Factor: 1.641, https://doi.org/10.1108/ER-04-2020-0150
- Anjni Anand, Veena Vohra, (2021-22), What Helps Me Cope With Work–Family Conflict at My High-Performance Work System in India: A Thematic Analysis of Sociocultural Factors, Vikalpa, The Journal for Decision Makers, SAGE Publications, Vol 47, Issue 1, pp. 38-52, (P) 0256-0909, (O) 2395-3799, ABDC "C", Scopus, UGC, https://doi.org/10.1177/02560909221083282
- Anjni Anand and Veena Vohra, (2022-23),The Impact Of Role Overload and Social Support on Work- Family Conflict in a Collectivist Culture, South Asian Journal of Management, Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA) , Volume 29, Issue No. 2, pp.60-86, ISSN 0971-5428, ABDC "C", https://www.proquest.com/docview/2705454382?pq-origsite=gscholar&fromopenview=true
- Devarajan, Veena Vohra, Anjni Anand, (2022-23), Exploring Work Meaningfulness through Goal Setting and Work Design in Emerging Work Environments, Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Shri Ram Centre for IR & HR, Accepted Jun 22, ISSN: 0019-5286, ABDC "C"
- Anindo Bhattacharjee, Dr. Manjari Srivastava, Dr. Veena Vohra, and Dr. Lotta Dellve, (2020) (in press) ‘Leadership Development in Social Care – A study of the Entrepreneurs and Managers of Elder Care in India and Sweden’ Journal Purushartha.
- Anjani Anand, Veena Vohra, (2019), Alleviating Employee Work-Family Conflict: Role of Organizations", International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Emerald Publishing
- Anand, A., Vohra, V. (in press) The impact of organizational work environment on job satisfaction, affective commitment, work family conflict and intention to leave: A study of SMEs in India, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.
- Maheshwari, S., Vohra, V. (2018) Role of training and development practices in implementing change, International Journal of Learning and Change, 10(2), 131-162. http://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ijlc
- Belwalkar, S., Vohra, V., Pandey, A (2018) The Relationship between Workplace Spirituality, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors–An Empirical Study, Social Responsibility Journal, Vol. 14 Issue: 2, pp.410-430.
- Belwalkar, S., Vohra, V, (2016) Lokasamgraha and Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness: Converging Models for Workplace Spirituality and Well-being, South Asian Journal of Human Resource Management, 4 (2), 1-12. http://journals.sagepub.com/toc/hrma/0/0
- Vohra, V., (2016) Towards a Framework of Contextual Human Resource Management Practices for Internationalizing SMEs. Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 9 (3), 324-341.
- Belwalkar, S., Vohra, V, (2016) Lokasamgraha: Philosophical foundations of Workplace Spirituality and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 12(2).
- Maheshwari, S., Vohra, V. (2015) “Identifying critical HR practices impacting employee perception and commitment during organizational change”, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol.28 Iss: 5, pp.872 - 894, Emerald publishing.
- Vohra, V., (2015) Organizational environments and adaptive response mechanisms in India. Journal of Indian Business Research, 7(1).
- Vohra, V. (2014). Using the Multiple Case Study Design to Decipher Contextual Leadership Behaviors in Indian Organizations, Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, Vol 12(1).
- Singh, N., Bamel, U. and Vohra, V. (2020) The mediating effect of meaningful work between human resource practices and innovative work behavior: a study of emerging market, Employee Relations, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/ER-04-2020-0150.
- Joshi, G. and Vohra, V. (2017) Talent Management, Cengage New Delhi
- Snell, S., Bohlander, G., Vohra, V. (2010). HRM Cases, New Delhi: Cengage Publishers.
- Snell, S. A., Bohlander, G. W., Vohra, V. (2010), Human Resource Management, New Delhi: Cengage Publishers.
- French, W. L., Bell, C. H., Vohra, V. (2005). Organization Development: Behavioral Science Interventions for Organisation Improvement. Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt .Ltd. for Pearson Education
Book Chapters
- • Veena Vohra, (2021-22), The state of education in the pandemic – experiences from a business school, AMDISA, Book: Covid19 Pandemic - Challenges for Management Education, ISBN: 978-81-954548-1-5
- Vinitha Nair, Vohra, V. (2020). Culture, Climate and Sustainability in Organizations, “Sustainable Human Resource Management – Transforming Organizations, Societies and Environment”, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
- Anand, A., Vohra, V. (2018) A Qualitative Study on Work-Family Conflict, Social Support and Response Mechanisms of Individuals Working in Multi-National Corporations, Business Governance and Society 2019, Springer International Publishing.
- Vohra, V. (2015). Pedagogical Innovations in the 2 Year MBA HR Program at SBM, NMIMS. McGraw Hill: Proceeding of IMC Conference & Awards 2014.
- Vohra, V. (2014). Internationalization of SMEs: How Strategic HRM can help. Wisdom Publications: Re-Visioning Business Management and Psychology: Ecologies of Local and Global Contexts.
Case Studies
- Veena Vohra, Seema Khanvilkar (SDA Bocconi Asia Center, Deputy Director and Professor, Business Communication), (2022-23), Forest Essentials: Demystifying India’s Luxury Ayurveda Brand, Ivey Case Publishing House
- Seema Khanvilkar, Veena Vohra, (2021-22), Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla: Sustaining an Indian Luxury Brand, Ivey Case Publishing House
- Anindo Bhattacharjee, Veena Vohra, (2021-22), HCAH: Delivering Innovative Home Healthcare in India, Ivey Case Publishing House
- Vohra, V., Bahadur, A., Lele, V. (2014). Integration Challenges at Trident Chemicals Ltd (7th ed., vol. IV). Emerald: Emerlad Emerging Markets Case Studies.
- Vohra, V., Srivastava, M., Pande, S. (2014). Sogeti’s TeamPark : Designing Intelligent Organizations for the Future. Ivey Publishing.
- Vohra, V. (2005). SEMCO, A Maverick Organisation-Case analysis, Case Folio, ICFAI University Press.
Conferences and Workshops
- Dr. Veena Vohra, (2020) “ My inner world: Thematic analysis of business school students using a multiple case study approach” 32nd International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic, July 19-24, 2020.
- Dr. Anjni Anand and Dr. Veena Vohra, (2019), Social Support and Role Overload as Predictors of Work-Family Conflict: A Study of Employees Working in HPWS, 7th Annual International Commerce Conference (7th AICC – 2020)
- Rajan Saxena, Veena Vohra, (2019 March) Organizations of Future: Structure, Governance, Leadership and Processes, at AIMA’s Academic Conference on Managing in the Age Of Disruption: Future Of Organizations.
- Nishant Singh, Umesh Kumar and Veena Vohra, (2019 August), Mindfulness and Meaningful Work as predictors of Ethical Work Behaviour. The mediating role of Psychological Capital, 3rd Annual Conference of Aston India Centre for Applied Research, Aston Business School, UK. dated 30th & 31st August 2019.
- Anthony Colaco, Veena Vohra, 2019, Organizational Ambidexterity in Start Ups – Balancing Exploration and Exploitation, 12th Annual EMAB Conference, at K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai, India.
- Vinitha Nair, Veena Vohra, 2019, Role Of Unconscious Bias Training Programmes And Culture In Promoting Women Leadership In Corporate Organizations, EMAB Conference, at K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai, India.
- Dr Veena Vohra & Devarajan R, & Dr. Shweta Maheshwari, (2018 May) Work Design and Work Meaningfulness - What matters in a changing work environment, 2018 IIER 421st International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Information Technology (ICABMIT), dated 22nd -23rd May,2018, IIER International Research Conference, Chicago, USA
- Dr. Veena Vohra,(Dec 2017) Drifts in Business, Governance, and Societal Values: Conflicts and Challenges, Conference Anthology-Book 2018- Decision and Copyright -Drifts in Business, Governance, and Societal Values: Conflicts and Challenges, at International Management Institute, Bhubaneswar (India) in association with EGADE Business School, Mexico City, 08th & 09th Dec, 2017
Consulting/Research Project
- Review of hiring and interviewing practices for senior executives at a large Mumbai based Construction Company (2013).
- HR Policy Formulation for National Board of Accreditation (2012 – 13)
- Enhancing Role Effectiveness of MaCx Coaches at Ambuja Cement Ltd (2013)
- Designing Performance feedback conversations based on the Appreciative Inquiry Process (2013)
- Management Development Programmes conducted on regular basis with Ambuja Cements, Novartis, Loop Mobile, Lupin Labs with excellent feedback.
- Designed and conducted training programmes for Mahindra British Telecom, BCCI, NTPC, Reliance Industries, Thermax, Chemtrol Engineering, Asian Heart Institute, HDFC Chubb.
Contribution to Community
Service to the University
- Member, Academic Council, NMIMS
- Nominated as Teacher to Board of Management, NMIMS for two terms.
Service to the School
- Associate Dean SBM, Mumbai 2017 - 2020
- Programme Chairperson FT MBA 2015 - 2017
- Programme Chairperson MBA HR 2011-2015
- Chairperson HR & BS, SBM, NMIMS 2008 - 2011
- The Best Department Award, HR & BS, NMIMS (2009, 2011, 2014)
- Faculty Incharge of Management Programme for Executives (2005-08)
- Faculty Incharge for customizing Management Programme for Executives for corporates.
- Organized the first Annual HR Conclave 2013 at SBM
- Past Member of the Disciplinary Committee
- Past Member of the Student Awards Committee
- Past Member of the Convocation Committee
- Past Facilitator for the MBA HR Admissions Process
- Past Faculty Mentor HrUday, the student HR cell
- Mentoring summer internships
Service to the Academic and Professional Community
- Invited as a guest speaker for webinars for MIT, Pune; Higher Education Forum; Nehru Gram Bharati University
- Jury panel for HR Awards 2019, by World HRD Congress. (2019)
- Member of the SHRM India Breakfast Roundtable In Association with Workplace by Facebook, Topic: Connected Companies – Learnings from Facebook, SHRM.
- Chaired and Moderated the Panel discussion on Culture Value, for the 7th Edition HR Conclave‘19. School of Business Management, NMIMS, Mumbai.
- Invited for the Board of Studies at Mithibhai College of Arts, Chauhan of Science & Amruthben Jivanlal College of Commerce and Economics.
- Invited as a speaker for “Excellence in Grooming Future Industry Leader” at IAC Awards: Final presentation for the Industry Academic Conference Awards , on 17th January, 2018, Delhi.
- For Board of Studies –Subject expert,at Mithibhai College of Commerce, July’2018.
- The Annual International Commerce Conference, (7th AICC’ 2020) adjudged the paper: “Social support and role overload as predictors of work-family conflict: A study of employees working in HPWS” Authored by Dr Anjni Anand (NMIMS PhD Scholar) and Dr. Veena Vohra , Prof & Associate Dean, SBM , as the Best Paper Presentation, Jan (2020).
- Recipient of Prof Indira Parikh 50 Women Leaders in Education Award (2018)
- Best Faculty Award at the School of Business Management, NMIMS (2015)
- Best Academic Institute of the Year Award for contribution in the field of HR at the SHRM Annual HR Conference. (2014)
- Gold Award at Indian Management Conclave, New Delhi for Curriculum and Pedagogical Innovations in MBA HR (2014)
- Higher Education Forum Award – Best Teacher Award for Outstanding Contribution to Teaching, (HRM & Training), (2011)
- Best Professor in Human Resource Management, Asia’s Best B-School Awards. (2010).
- Best Teacher in Human Resource Management, 17th Dewang Mehta Business School Awards. (2009).
- Best Faculty Award, NMIMS. (2008 & 2012).