DR. Agnes Nairn
Bristol University
Agnes Nairn is Chair of Marketing at the School of Management, University of Bristol. Previously she was Dean of Hult International Business School in London and Professor of Marketing at EMLyon Business School in France. Her works focus on the ethics and regulation of marketing and advertising: particularly as it relates to young people. She is most concerned that her work relates to pressing social issues and helps shape public policy. She has recently finished a ground-breaking study into the use of Twitter advertising by gambling operators in the UK using new forms of big data analytics and uncovering for the first time the extent of gambling activity in eSports – which are very appealing to young people.
In 2018 she was Special Advisor to the House of Lords Communication Committee which produced the report UK Advertising in a Digital Age https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201719/ldselect/ldcomuni/116/116.pdf. She has been invited to join over 30 international multi-stakeholder projects with public, private and third sector organisations ranging from UNICEF, UN, and the Brazilian Justice Ministry to Unilever, Coca-Cola and Public Health England. Work with the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit led directly to the practice of child peer-to-peer marketing being banned whilst her work for National Consumer Council is now used on the GCSE Home Economics curriculum. She is passionate about helping students have the most positive, enlightening, international and relevant University experience. www.agnesnairn.co.uk